Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Fun Lego Storage Ideas!!

Our new Lego bricks are a stylish and fun piece of storage equipment for your home! Perfect for your children's room, playroom or in fact anywhere in the home! Whether you use it to keep the children's little Lego pieces (which can get everywhere) or their toys, or arts and crafts materials! 

They also stack, which means you can get different colours and keep them tidy!

Our new Lego Storage head is a fun and happy piece of storage too! With a smile on his face he will always keep your bits and pieces in one place! 

These Lego lunch boxes, mini snack boxes and mini boxes are perfect for just about anything, not just your sandwiches. The mini snack box and mini box can be used to keep all kinds of things in, such as your paperclips and pins on your desk or dips and healthy snacks for lunch time!

Ava likes to us her mini snack box for her grapes! A super way to keep a little snack if you get a little peckish! 

Find all our new Lego storage bricks and lunch boxes at Ellie Ellie!

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