Sunday 27 October 2013

'Re-design, Re-cycle, Re-love'

'Re-design, Re-cycle, Re-love' are three very important words here at Ellie Ellie, and we want to share out motto with you and let you know what it means to us!
Re-design is taking something that's been unloved and giving it a new lease of life with a little Ellie Ellie TLC. We transform forgotten treasures into something new, current and loveable.
Many of us remember the hours we spent wrestling over board games with our siblings, or those party games with our school friends - our products capture all those joyful memories and allows us to look back with a smile.
The Re-cycle aspect of our motto means taking something that's destined for a landfill and turning it into something completely different, to be used and enjoyed by one and all!
Recycling is gradually becoming a part of everyday home life, which is great! We push the boundaries even further by encouraging recycled gifting to spread the eco-friendly message.

Here at Ellie Ellie the 'Re-Love' aspect of our motto means taking something from our childhoods, that we have forgotten and turning it into something innovative for all to love again. You know, things like old fashioned board games or those scrumptious retro sweets that used to be the highlight of your school days.

All those things you used to treasure, we jog your memory about and look back on them with nostalgic fondness in our products.

Little Gnorm loves spreading our Ellie Ellie words of wisdom!!

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