Friday 6 March 2015

1001 Little Ways to save our Planet!

As you may know, we are big advocates or recycling and reusing (with many of our products being recycled themselves). One of our books in our Ellie Ellie is this little gem: '1001 little ways to save our planet'! 

Some of the brilliant tips inside include: 

- Get Loose: Next time you're in the fruit and vegetable section of your supermarket, put fruit and vegetables into your basket loose rather than automatically reaching for a plastic bag. If you really need one, keep it and reuse it next time. 

- Unplug your Equipment: If your electrical equipment doesn't have a sleep function (not that this is not the same as standby, which uses energy), make sure you turn it off and unplug it when it's not in use. 

- Peg a Wooden Line: For eco-friendly outdoor clothes' drying, make sure you use wooden pegs (clothes pins) and not plastic ones. 

- Draught a Plan: To prevent draughts coming in through external doors, buy a fabric wadding-stuffed draught excluder that lies across the bottom of the doorframe and prevents wind from coming in underneath! 

These are such small steps you could make for a much greener planet, if you do something small each day we can work to create a much more eco-friendly world! 

Have you made any small changes to make the world a greener place? 

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